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Addictions: A Banquet in the Grace by Edward T Welch: This book is written for finding hope in the gospel over addictions. Ed Welch writes from a more academic perspective and may be most helpful for the counselor rather than a counselee. This book is broken up into two sections. The first is "Thinking Theologically", which addresses the difference between sin and "disease", and the second is "Essential Theological Themes", which includes how to confront in love, knowing and fearing the Lord, turning from lies, and being a part of the church body. Each chapter ends with a "As you help someone else" section that gives practical help for walking alongside someone in a life-enslaving sin.

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The Heart of Addiction by Mark E Shaw: This book clearly lays out the difference between the world view of "disease" versus the biblical view of "live enslaving sin". This book gets to the heart of addiction as a "worship disorder". This book offers hope to believers who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to enable them to say "no" to choices that will enslave them to sin. The Heart of Addiction is broken up into sections: 1. Teaching, 2. Reproof, 3. Correction, 4. Training in Righteousness. This book is for men and women who struggle with life enslaving sins and are walked step by step through the put off, renew your mind, put on process of change. This book has prayers for heart change and application at the end of each chapter but does not have interactive questions for homework assignments. It is an easy to read book.

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Divine Intervention: Hope and Help for Families of Addicts by Mark Shaw: This book is for parents, spouses, and friends of addicts. The introduction and first chapter define addiction and the thought processes of an addict. This gives the parent, spouse or friend an understanding of idolatry of addiction and the understanding of not just trying to change the addictive behavior but the heart. The first part of the book gives instruction for dealing with an unrepentant addict - prayer and a confrontation based on Matthew 18. It also uses the prodigal son parable and the example of the father who let his son go to experience the consequences of his actions. Part two of the book discusses dealing with a repentant addict. This section deals with sanctification not "treatment" and will give the family an understanding of the Holy Spirit role and the Ephesians 4:22-24 process. The final part of the book deals with the family and how each member of the family needs to learn to honor God in the situation of addiction whether it is learning to speak truth in love, not fear man but God, show humility and hold the addict accountable, etc. The last chapter deals with very specific relationships and the dynamics within that relationship when one is the addict including husband-wife, parent-child, sibling-sibling, etc. The appendices at the back of the book offer useful tips on what enabling look like, a sample intervention letter, etc.

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Addiction-Proof Parenting by Mark E Shaw: This is a practical guide for parents who are either just starting out as parents or who are falling into the "child-centered home" mistake. This book includes sections on general parenting principles, a biblical approach to addiction, and specific addiction-proof parenting principles. Mark Shaw has worked with hundreds of young people with life-enslaving sins and has a deep understanding of common sin and mistakes parents make that lead children toward addiction. Addicts have a selfish thinking pattern that often develops in childhood and this book clearly outlines five mentalities that must replace the selfishness. Each chapter has "key ideas and practical application" at the end of each chapter.

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Cross Talking: A Daily Gospel for Transforming Addicts by Mark E Shaw: This is a 45 day daily devotion for those struggling with life enslaving sin (and as Mark point out, everyone struggles with the desire to please yourself over God and others). Each entry is a page and a half and walks the reader through the a biblical understanding of addiction and how to put off the self worship and put on true worship of God.

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Finally Free: Fighting For Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert: This book is for counselees who struggle with pornography. Each chapter discusses a "weapon" to fight pornography. It begins with grace and continues with sorrow, accountability, radical measures, confession, your spouse, humility, gratitude, and a dynamic relationship with Jesus as your arsenal for putting this sin to death. Each chapter has personal application questions.

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Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick: This book is written for anyone who struggles with sinful patterns regarding food. Whether it is a matter of eating too much or eating too little, this book addresses the heart idols behind the sins of destructive and emotional eating. This book spends 3 chapters identifying the heart issues behind food addictions. Then moves onto a section of understanding who you are as a temple of God and the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling that makes change possible. Lastly, the book leads the reader through practical steps to embrace God's methods for change. This book includes a study guide for each chapter located at the back of the book and includes helpful appendices for change.

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Redeemed From the Pit by Marie Notcheva: This book also deals with eating disorders, especially bulimia. Each chapter walks the reader through an understanding of the heart issues, the gift of repentance, the hope found in our identity in Christ, handling emotions biblically, renewing your mind in God's truth, and the problems with our culture's perfectionistic mindset. The last few chapters address the role of the church in helping people including counseling, and helping those who are responding to abuse with sinfully with an eating disorder. This book is a Christ centered look at becoming a slave to Christ rather than food, just as Love to Eat, Hate to Eat is.