These videos are designed to accomplish a couple of different goals:

Immediate Help
If you are watching these videos, it is likely that you have already turned in counseling paperwork and have been told that there is a little bit of a wait. That's not helpful to hear...and we understand that. So in order to get you going in the right direction immediately, we offer the following videos. These videos are not intended to replace your counselor, but they will get you thinking about ideas that your counselor will present. 

Similar Language
Not only do these videos get you going in the right direction, they also allow you to become familiar with the words and concepts that your counselor will be using. 

Quickest Change
These videos will also ensure that change can take place in the shortest amount of time possible. If you will watch the videos and do the work required, we are confident that significant change will happen in your life faster than if you simply wait for counseling to begin. Please bring your binder and completed work to your first counseling session. We are excited to sit down with you face to face and hear what you have already learned!

Advice for Counselees: Making Your Counseling Experience More Effective article

Notes for the Pre-Counseling Videos can be downloaded here.

Please click on the arrow to watch the video.