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We recommend that every counselor or potential counselor start with this book. Heath Lambert gives the foundational truths and the theological basis for biblical counseling.

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Solid theological foundations of biblical counseling are clearly presented in contrast to humanistic and secular theories of psychological counseling. A practical, proactive, and relevant book for students, church leaders, and lay people. This collection of writers represents some of America's leading biblical teachers and counselors.

Other contributors include: Ken L. Sarles, David Powlison, Douglas Bookman, David B. Maddox, Robert Smith, William W. Goode, and Dennis M. Swanson.

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We recommend every counselor read this book, too. Paul David Tripp clearly shows how EVERY believer is capable and equipped to do biblical counseling. This book makes biblical counsel very practical in friendships and small group settings. You are encouraged with how to be an ambassador for Christ by bringing the King’s message in the King’s manner. Every believer needs to help other people in the process of sanctification.

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Pierre exposes the false dichotomy between the spiritual and seemingly unspiritual parts of the human experience, showing how every thought, feeling, and choice actually expresses the spiritual activity of the heart. He shows how faith in Christ is the means by which the heart begins to respond differently. Faith is not only the entry point for heart change, but also an expression of our everyday, ongoing need for Christ.

“Thoughts. Emotions. Choices. All three are important aspects of human experience. Overlook one or more aspects, and ministry to struggling people will be truncated at its best and dangerous at its worst. In this well-organized resource, Jeremy Pierre paints a three-dimensional picture of our hearts in relation to God, self, others, and the circumstances of life. In so doing he gives pastors, counselors, and other leaders a helpful, Christ-centered framework for wise and balanced ministry.”

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“In addition to presenting orthodox theology common to historic Protestants, MacArthur and Mayhue defend an unusual combination of views that evangelicals debate, such as young-earth creationism, Calvinist soteriology, credobaptism, elder-rule polity, complementarianism, cessationism, and traditional dispensationalism (or what they call futuristic premillennialism). They argue in a clear and orderly way that is worth engaging even if you disagree.” ―Andy Naselli

This book is the theological dessert at the end of an expository meal. Regardless of your theological heritage, I encourage every Christian to sit under the doctrinal teaching of MacArthur and Mayhue. Certainly, you will walk away saturated in Scripture, left in total awe after relishing the majesty and glory of our gracious God.” ―Matthew Barrett

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This book is helpful in understanding the process of progressive sanctification. Sanctification is not behavioral change, it is heart level change by the grace of God through the Holy Spirit.

This book is applied theology. It's about heat, thorns, the cross, and fruit. It's about present grace. In sixteen short and well-illustrated chapters, the wonderful prospect of change for the good is held out for the reader. We are called to consider our circumstances and our responses to them, and beneath that to examine our hearts desires and to turn afresh to Christ's cross.

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“Many of us remain paralyzed by our past even though freedom from our past was purchased on the cross. In this much-needed book, Steve Viars shows that the Bible teaches us what we need to know about learning from and disarming our past. So read well, see yourself, see Jesus, and receive His liberating grace.”―Paul Tripp

What role does a person’s past play in his or her present-day living? Viars bases his answer not on his or any other human being’s opinion but on God’s authoritative, infallible Word. This interesting and insightful book will be of great benefit to many people. Counselors will find this book to be very helpful, as will Christians who struggle with discerning a biblical perspective.”
―Wayne Mack

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This book is extremely helpful in understanding the biblical view of what the world calls mental illness. Berger shows how mental diagnoses are arrived at and uses scripture to show that much of what the world calls ‘abnormal’ is a normal human response to living in a sin-cursed world. This is the only book of this caliber dealing with such an important topic.

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Our cultures tells us that sadness is wrong and that happiness is a ‘right’ to all human beings. The world defines depression as having symptoms of sadness for more than two weeks. Berger skillfully shows how it is good and right to be sad at times and how our emotions are meant to lead us to cry out to God. Biblical counselors will often encounter people who are diagnosed with clinical depression. This is a must read to understand God’s view of emotions and particularly sadness.

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Since the 1950s, psychiatry has controlled both the definitions, theories, diagnoses, and suggested remedies for mental illness. Many intelligent, well-educated, and well-meaning people have blindly accepted the secular construct of mental illness without investigating the underlying theories or answering foundational questions necessary to form a construct of mental illness (e.g. - What is the standard of normalcy from which psychiatric abnormalities are created?). Some have chosen to refrain from conversations out of ignorance or fear of hurting and distancing themselves from friends or family who are labeled as mentally ill. Still others have taken dogmatic positions often erring on the side of ignoring truth or disregarding empathy. The time for society and especially for Christians to logically and carefully examine the current mental health system is well overdue. This book begins that discussion, and the series on Mental Illness seeks to objectively challenge the current ideology while providing a proven alternative approach. This series is a well thought-out and heavily researched effort to help those who counsel better be able to lead people who are in distress or dealing with mental impairments to find genuine truth and hope that can transform their lives.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is everywhere. It is increasing in regards to those who are being diagnosed with PTSD and those whom are ministering to ones with PTSD. The good news is that God speaks into the complexities of PTSD through Scripture and helps us orient ourselves and our families towards his purposes in PTSD. As you will see, God offers us a perspective on how we should view PTSD and the trauma that started it all.