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Pleasing People by Lou Priolo: This book is written for anyone who struggles with wanting to please people. There is a self-assessment at the beginning of this book that reveals our true heart in fearing man over God. this book is divided into two parts: The Problem and The Solution. Lou Priolo takes 7 chapters to identify the problem of people pleasing and to convince the reader of how serious a sin this is. His chapters are full of lists with detailed explanations of how people pleasing works in different individuals. Part 2 is extremely practical in how to put on fear of God. This book is written for anyone, but the chapters are long. There is a study guide available on the counseling website under "study guides".

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Courage: Fighting Fear with Fear by Wayne Mack and Joshua Mack: This book starts out with a biblical definition of fear in general and the selfish roots that beget fear. By chapter 4, the book's focus becomes fear of man and looks at biblical examples of Saul and Moses to show the dangers of fearing man over God. This book has practical help and a study guide that leads the reader toward change. This book, along with Pleasing People, is written for anyone struggling with fear and encourages the reader to replace sinful fear with fear of God. Both this book and Pleasing People are great books addressing the same topic, they are written with different styles.

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When People Are Big and God is Small by Edward T Welch: This book follows the same pattern as the previous two; It is divided into two sections for identifying the sin of fearing man and then gives the solution of fearing God. Each chapter has a "For Further Thought" section with practical steps to take to grow in fearing God. Scripture to mediate on, psalms to read, suggestions for books and studies to work through. This is a great resource for counselors to get an understanding of the problem and to get homework ideas to use with people pleasers.