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God's Healing for Life's Losses by Robert Kellemen: This book is for anyone suffering grief due to any loss. Kellemen gives a "biblical sufferology" so that the reader understands God's view on hurting and hoping. The reader is encouraged to acknowledge the grief and pain, but to surrender humbly to God and receive His comfort. This book has journaling homework for each chapter to help personalize each reader's experience and growth.

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Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow by Nancy Guthrie: This book is written for anyone experiencing loss. The author and her husband had two very young children die due to genetic birth defects so her compassion and understanding come through in her writing. Each chapter is based on a scripture that shows how Jesus' experience on earth makes Him a sympathetic high priest. The author "hears Jesus speak" through scripture. For example, the first chapter is based on Matthew 26:38 "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." From this the author points to Jesus understanding the crushing weight and agonizing loneliness of grief and how comfort is found in Him. Each chapter offers help and hope for the grieving. There are no application questions.

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Miscarriage Loss

Inheritance of Tears by Jessalyn Hutto: This is the best book for women who have suffered through a miscarriage. It is written with compassion and understanding, but gives hope and help for responding in a God trusting manner. There are no application questions.

"This book is equally important for those who have suffered miscarriage and those who have not. Rarely is the topic of miscarriage addressed with such candor and depth. Deeply personal and brave, Inheritance of Tears unveils a picture of miscarriage drawn from first-hand experience and attentive consideration of Scripture. Jessalyn invites us to ask the hard questions, to enter into the suffering of our sisters, to remember the goodness of God even in the midst of unspeakable loss. May her words minister to many."
-Jen Wilkin, author of Women of the Word (Crossway)

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For Infant or Young Child Loss

Safe in the Arms of God by John MacArthur: This book is for parents who have suffered the loss of a young baby or child. MacArthur uses scriptures to show why he believes babies and children too young to grasp the distinction of good and evil go to heaven when they die. "There is no place in Scripture in which a person suffers the judgment of damnation on the basis of anything other than sinful deeds, including the sinful deed of disbelief - a conscious, willful, intentional choice to disbelieve. Furthermore, God does not charge people with sins until they are committed. Salvation is completely by grace, apart from works. Damnation is completely by works, apart from grace." There is a chapter at the end for how to talk with and comfort those who are grieving which might be helpful for a counselor to read ahead of time.

Until the end of time, when the curse of sin is finally removed, suffering will be a large part of the human experience and a large part of that suffering will be walking through the painful reality of death.  'Death,' writes Paul Tautges, 'provides a natural opportunity not only for ministry to others, but also for personal growth in ministers.'   Those who shepherd others through the pain and loss that accompanies death should seek to offer wise and biblical counsel on these precious and painful occasions.

This book is a treasure chest of pastoral theology that will equip you to reach out to those who grieve with the Christ-centered comfort of God rooted in the gospel. The theological foundation espoused here, as well as the numerous practical helps that are included, will help any servant of the Lord to point the hearts and minds of the bereaved to the 'man of sorrows' who is 'acquainted with grief' (Isaiah 53:3).

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Grief may threaten to overtake us or destroy our joy. In this powerful devotional book, men and women will see Jesus Christ, the Man of Sorrows, who is well-acquainted with grief and sadness.

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This book is not for a person who is grieving. It is for a pastor or counselor to learn how to comfort well.

Did I Say the Right Thing?: Responding Well to Those Who Grieve: by Mitch Schultz: This is a book for counselors or people who are helping someone who is grieving. This is NOT for someone grieving. Each chapter gives specific things to say and avoid saying so that the person with grief is well cared for. There are questions at the end of each chapter to help apply the principles presented.