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Marriage is the union of two people who arrive at the altar toting some surprisingly large luggage. Often it gets opened right there on the honeymoon, sometimes it waits for the week after. The Bible calls it sin and understanding its influence can make all the difference for a man and woman who are building a life together. When Sinners Say "I Do" is about encountering the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage.

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We are using this book to see how our marriages stack up against God's plan for them, and I know I don't just speak for myself when I say lives have been changed. The quality of my marriage (which I thought was fine) has improved in just a few short weeks because my paradigm for marriage has been shaken to its core. This book cleans HOUSE with the use of LOTS of scripture to spell out the roles of both husband and wife, giving the Holy Spirit ample opportunity to change hearts.

The units begin with a reading section with scripture to look up, that the husband and wife are to read together. Then there is a question section that does a great job of making you think of things about your marriage that have never been explored. My husband and I can usually read and answer questions within an hour's time. At group, we discuss the reading section with everybody and then split up by gender for accountability.

- Amazon Review

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Paul Tripp is always gospel-centered and this book is no exception. The premise of the book is that our expectations are not met in marriage. Most people start off with rose colored glasses and then being married to another sinner brings the need to face reality and have different expectations. He begins with focusing our eyes on marriage on God’s terms and His Kingdom. Couples are encouraged to practice confession and forgiveness, practice putting off sins (pulling weeds) and putting on Christlikeness (planting seeds). The emphasis on extending grace is woven throughout the book. There is a study guide available on the Study Guide page.

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This is a very practical book for husbands on how to be a leader, learner and lover of their wives. It is shorter and easier to digest than The Exemplary Husband.

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Stuart Scott is always thorough and completely biblical. This book is a more serious read and takes longer to work through.

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Elyse Fitzpatrick explains the biblical role of wives with humor and grace. This book examines a wife as being made in God’s image, being a helper and companion, a covenantal relationship, submission, communication, and the self-less ways needed in a marriage. She continually points wives to Christ and the gospel for help and hope to live out God’s design for wives.