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Jesus spent more time talking about money and possessions than about heaven and hell combined. But too often we do not want to hear what Jesus said about money and possessions. As a result, we miss out on the many blessings God has in store for us, because we seek our blessings from those material things.

Jesus offers us the opportunity to embrace the abundant life. It’s a life filled with hope, grace, mercy and power and love, but it does not come through the temporary things, it comes through the spiritual life, devoted to following Jesus.

This is the premise out of which Alcorn writes. He uses a number of scripture references to make his points. This is a short and easy to read book which will speak very clearly about money and possessions. There are a number of excellent resources and study questions in the back of the book as well.
- Amazon Review

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“Paul Tripp puts money―and our money problems―in the bigger context of God’s glory and grace. The result is a profoundly practical book. Redeeming Money doesn’t simply give you a list of things to do, but offers a vision of God with the potential to tame the power of money and change your life.”
Tim Chester

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This new book is timely and deserves careful consideration by every Christian. It is a theologically rich, biblically faithful exploration of potential stumbling blocks to enjoying God: sex, money, and power. In these pages you will discover not only the spiritual danger of setting your hope in the things of this world but how, as Christians, we can understand sex, money, and power in ways that display God's glory.
-- R. Albert Mohler

If you do not daily wrestle with temptations in the areas of money, sex, or power, it is only because you have surrendered to these temptations. Every Christian must confront our common pull to make idols in these areas. In this book, John Piper equips us to fight temptation by firing up our affections for the glory of God in Jesus Christ. He wisely shows us not only what to avoid, but how to rightly enjoy money, sex, and power as part of a life conformed to Christ through the gospel. I expect to give this book to many friends and fellow combatants in this spiritual war.
-- Russell Moore