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This book is to help you learn how to support and help a loved one or friend going through cancer. You will be equipped to point the suffering one toward God and offer practical help in many ways.

"Anyone who's been touched by cancer, to any degree, will be helped and comforted by this beautiful book. Marissa addresses a difficult, life- changing battle with eloquence, truth, and intense practicality." -- Kristen Wetherell

"This will now be the first place I'll go as I seek to care for people with not only cancer, but any serious illness. Marissa's practical helps are worth the price of the book." -- Dave Furman

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Deborah Howard is a nurse and hospice volunteer who gently and wisely guides us through the final stages of death. This book is honest and humble in helping either the one dying or family and friends on decisions that need to be made, what to expect as death nears, and offers hope in Christ.

Because one death touches many lives, it is important for both those who are dying and those who love them to be prepared for the pain and grief that accompany it. Here Deborah Howard shares words of comfort and encouragement for everyone coping with suffering and death. Her compassion, firm faith in Christ, and years of working as a hospice nurse create a uniquely sensitive, experiential, and biblical volume.

Above all, she emphasizes that there is a light that cuts through death's dark shadow. That light is Jesus Christ, and He offers hope and comfort to all who are facing life's final journey.

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This is NOT a biblical counseling book.

This is a medical view of alzheimer’s disease. It discusses the warning signs, the typical behaviors of those approaching and suffering from alzheimer’s, and how to treat and care for one who is suffering.