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Paul Tripp gets the heart of relationships. Our interactions with other people reflect the worship of our hearts. This book starts with God’s purpose and design in relationships before moving into specific areas of talk, forgiveness, burdens, time and money, hope and other helpful and practical issues in relationships. This book consistently points to the fact that we are either building our own kingdom or living for God’s kingdom. A study guide for this book is available on the Study Guides page.

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“One of God’s chosen ways to help people is through the care and concern of fellow Christians. In our busy world with its superficial relationships, many have abandoned this calling and left it to professionals to do the work ordinary Christians could be doing to help others. Through easy-to-follow practical guidelines, Ed Welch shows how we can remedy this and make our churches into caring communities. This kind of caring can be a means God uses not only to bless Christians but also to commend the Christian way to those outside the church.”
Ajith Fernando

“Most Christians know we should care for one another. But few of us know how. Seasoned biblical counselor and author Ed Welch not only gifts us with the how, but, like a great chef, serves it up in eight concise, biblically true, and richly wise courses. Each brief chapter can be read aloud to a group and is accompanied by heart-piercing, eye-opening discussion questions. This is a book that can shape the culture of our churches to be safe places of wise mutual care. I heartily recommend!”
Alfred J. Poirier

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"Nobody reaches out to me when I go to church." "This church really isn't much of a family."

Have you heard these kinds of comments? How sad if they are true, especially as God's Word has so much to say about how believers should interact with one another! An array of interpersonal problems between spouses, children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers can easily develop, but if you are a Christian, you can put the Bible's message into practice and see how radically it transforms your relationships with others.

By carefully examining the "one another" commands in Scripture, the authors provide a Word-based understanding of what God intends for Christian relationships showing not only what they look like, but also how to develop them.

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This book is for women who struggle in different relationships in their life. Amy Baker gets to the idols of our hearts that impact our relationships and shows us how being in Christ is the only way to truly love others and glorify God in relationships. The chapters address different idols and what happens in those relationships that are under the weight of idolatry. A study guide for this book is available on the Study Guide page of this website.