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Treasure in the Ashes by Sue Nicewander and Maria Brookins is a book that leads women who have suffered sexual abuse through grieving, lamenting and onto hope and healing. This is part workbook and part applied theology. Women will learn to handle shame biblically, find hope and help in the gospel and define themselves through their relationship with Christ. The authors write as co-sufferers of sexual abuse and are presenting truth with love and compassion. I highly recommend this resource.

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In the Aftermath: Past the Pain of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Pamela Gannon and Beverly Moore: This is another good book on helping someone put childhood sexual abuse into a gospel perspective. The authors write from experience which gives them compassion, wisdom and credibility. They focus on how Christ's life, death and resurrection are sufficient for someone who feels shame, hurt, confusion, or is sinning in response to abuse or struggling with current relationships because of past abuse. Every chapter points the reader to Christ and the hope offered to victims of childhood sexual assault (or even adult abuse). There are questions to answer and application suggestions at the end of each chapter.

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This is the only book on childhood abuse written by a man, that I know of.

I think there is real hope to be found, in the middle of our deepest traumas, in the good news about Jesus Christ. I also think that there is a place for us to find hope and community within the church. Because of these two beliefs, I truly think, distant though it may be, that we may even get to a place of peace within our souls and a place of forgiveness for those who hurt us so much.

This is a book that has no easy answers and will offer none. This is a book that tries to get behind the tough questions of why God permits such abuses to occur in this world. Using his own story of childhood abuse, Mez McConnell tells us about a God who is just, sovereign and loving. A good father who knows the pain of rejection and abuse, who hates evil, who can bring hope even in the darkest place. 

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Rid of My Disgrace by Justin Holcomb and Lindsay Holcomb: This book begins by defining the disgrace and shame that happens as a result of sexual assault. The middle portion of the book works through the emotions experienced by assault victims from denial, shame, guilt, anger and despair and how Christ offers hope, forgiveness, joy and purpose in suffering. Each chapter is followed by a personal story of a victim of assault. Each chapter shows how Christ's life, death and resurrection are sufficient for covering the shame and guilt of sexual assault and how former victims can find joy in Christ. Many counselees and counselors have commented that this is a less compassionate, direct approach that can feel a little harsh at times. There are no study guide questions. I'd recommend a counselor read this book and work through these issues with the counselee without the counselee reading it.

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Shame Interrupted by Edward Welch: This book is not specific to sexual assault but rather deals with shame in general that can be felt for many reasons by someone who doesn't feel like they measure up to others. Welch defines shame as "the deep sense that you are unacceptable because of something you did, something done to you, or something associated with you. You feel exposed and humiliated." Welch shows how people before Christ dealt with shame and how the outcasts were put outside of the city, no one could touch them, and they were 'unclean'. Welch then spends several chapters showing how Jesus came and touched and welcomed the shameful people. The last section shows that in union with Christ, our weaknesses are 'riches, strength and beauty' in God's hands. This book is for counselees who are experiencing shame and want to understand the intellectual side of shame. There are study guide/discussion questions at the end of each chapter.