HOPE Groups

Hebrews 10:23 β€œLet us hold fast the confession of our HOPE without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

HOPE Groups exist to bring hope to those who are suffering due to choices that they have made or due to the choices that someone else close to them has made. Unlike individual counseling, which often has a waitlist and requires church attendance at Canyon Hills, the HOPE Groups offer immediate help in specific areas and are open to anyone regardless of church attendance.  

All groups meet at Canyon Hills Community Church, Building 3, Suite 111, unless otherwise noted.

Please contact: counseling@chccbw.org for more information about any group.

HOPE for Addictions - Men

HOPE for Addictions - Men

HOPE for Hurting Women

HOPE for Hurting Women

HOPE for Life Enslaving Sin - Women

HOPE for Life Enslaving Sin - Women

HOPE After Divorce

HOPE After Divorce

HOPE Amidst Cancer

HOPE Amidst Cancer

HOPE for Addictions - Men

Those who struggle with any life-enslaving sin including drugs, alcohol, sex, food, gambling, and anger, know how difficult life can be. If you are struggling with any sin that feels overwhelming, we hope you will join our group and learn how to live life biblically.

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm

Caregiver: Micah Alderman


HOPE for Hurting Women

A group for any woman in a current or past oppressive relationship (spouse, parent, friend, and more) who desires to see their circumstances through the lens of Scripture and respond in a way that glorifies God. If you are hurting due to the sin of another, where forgiveness is a struggle, please join us as we discover what God desires to do in the midst of what you are walking through.

Thursdays from 7-8:30 PM (every other week)

Caregiver: Angela Aichinger


HOPE for Life Enslaving Sins - Women

Coping with daily life can be incredibly challenging for those who struggle with any life-enslaving sin including drugs, alcohol, sex, food and gambling. If you are struggling with any sin that feels overwhelming, we hope you'll join our group and learn how to live life biblically with hope.

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm

Caregiver: Joana Bauman


HOPE After Divorce

Divorce often leaves individuals broken and hurt. This group exists to comfort and assist those who need help and healing following divorce, to walk through this season to the glory of God.

This HOPE Group will resume September 2021.

Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm

Caregivers: Todd and Rohi Ruhl


HOPE Amidst Cancer

If you are currently facing or have faced cancer, please join this group for women who meet for prayer, encouragement, study and even laughter.

Second Saturday of each Month 3:45pm

Caregiver: Krista Jones