The Gospel and Abuse

Counseling an Abused/Oppressed Woman - CHCC response

A Hidden Epidemic God Hates by Steve Hoppe (Spiritual Abuse)

Domestic Violence: Getting to the Heart by Chris Moles

Self Centered Spouse by Brad Hambrick

Fooled by False Leadership (Hyper-Headship in the home) sermon watch here and transcript

Identifying Oppression in Marriage by Darby Strickland

Counseling the Brambles by Darby Strickland

Violence Against Women

Helping Wives Respond to the Silent Treatment by Andrea Lee

Developing A Safety Plan for Domestic Violence

Submission and the Abuse of Authority by Huck

Is a Relationship Oppressive? Test by Leslie Vernick - Counselors, this is intended to give you an idea of what to look for in a marriage that you suspect is oppressive.

When Your Counselee Confides Abuse by Julie Ganschow

Helping Churches Better Handle Cases of Abuse by Jim Newheiser

Video Interview with Chris Moles on Domestic Violence - 35 minutes.

Screening for Relationship Abuse - questions to consider

Premarital Assessment for Abuse by Darby Strickland

Sexual Abuse in Marriage part 1 by Darby Strickland

Sexual Abuse in Marriage part 2 by Darby Strickland

Sexual Abuse in Marriage part 3 by Darby Strickland

Wives Loving Mean Husbands by Rick Thomas

Hope and Help for Abusive Men by Chris Moles - 53 minute podcast

Spiritual Abuse in Marriage (Part 1) by Darby Strickland

Spiritual Abuse in Marriage (Part 2) by Darby Strickland

4 Reasons Abuse Victims Remain Silent

The Abuse Pendulum (Part 1) by Jim Newheiser

The Abuse Pendulum (Part 2) by Jim Newheiser

The Abuse Pendulum (Part 3) by Jim Newheiser

When Scripture is Used to Oppress or Abuse Part 1: YouTube with Chris Moles, Darby Strickland, Joy Forrest

When Scripture is Used to Oppress or Abuse Part 2: YouTube with Chris Moles, Darby Strickland, Joy Forrest