God is Immanent - part 3 of Attributes of God

God is immanent

Immanent means to permanently live and remain in something.  God’s immanence means that He is everywhere, all at the same time.  God does not have to travel to be with us.  He is right here, wherever you happen to be.  Another way to think about God’s immanence is to say He is present at all times, in all places.  

Psalm 139:8-10  says, “If I ascend to heaven, you are there!  If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!  If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.”  

You don’t ever need to pray “God, be with me”.  He is always with you!

Do you ever “feel” like God is not with you?

Whether or not you “feel” God’s presence does not change the fact that God is always with you.  He is immanent!  He is above all things, beneath all things, inside all things, outside all things.  God is not confined in any way.  He keeps all things together at all times through His constant presence.  God even gave Himself the name “Emmanuel”.  “Emmanuel” means “God with us!”

How can God’s immanence (His being with you all the time) bring you comfort?

How can God’s immanence (His being with you all the time) increase your love for Him?

Getting to know God in relationship:

How will you talk to God differently and read His word differently because of this attribute?


Written by Wendy Wood, CHCC counselor