7 Character Qualities of a Person Who Is Close to God

Article by Courtney Joseph

But being close to God is about more than just our morning devotions.

We can read and read and read but if we do not apply God’s Word – we will not feel close to God.

Disobedience is a barrier to closeness.

In Psalm 15, David asks – who can be close to the Lord?

O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent?
    Who shall dwell on your holy hill?
(Psalm 15:1)

Then David answered his own question by listing the character qualities of those who have true fellowship with God.

Many call themselves a child of God but by the way they live their lives, they deny him.

These are the 7 Character Qualities of a Person Who Is Close to God:
(Based on Psalm 15)

1.) He walks blamelessly and does what is right. (v.2)

A person who is close to God tries to live a blameless life.  A blameless person is a person who is innocent of wrong doing and who seeks to do what is right in the eyes of everyone, including God.

2.) He speaks truth in his heart. (v.2)

A person who is close to God is sincere and true.  They can be trusted.  They are not a liar and if their heart was under a microscope, you would see that they are an honest person with integrity.

3.) He does not slander with his tongue. (v.3)

A person who is close to God does not tell stories about others that would make them look bad, even if they are true.  They know how to control their tongue.

4.) He does no evil to his neighbor or takes up a reproach against his friend.(v.3)

A person who is close to God is kind to all who are near and does not listen to bad talk about their friends.

5.) In his eyes a vile person is despised and instead he honors those who fear the Lord. (v.4)

A person who is close to God honors those with good character.  They avoid those who talk behind other people’s backs.  Instead, they seek out friendships with those who fear the Lord.

6.)  He swears to his own hurt and does not change. (v. 4)

A person who is close to God keeps their promises, even when it hurts them or would cause them to suffer a loss.  Their word is their bond and they do not change.

7.)  He does not put out his money at interest or take a bribe against the innocent. (v. 5)

A person close to God does not put their personal interest before others and does not allow money to sway the way they treat someone. They act justly no matter what.

Being Close to God is about more than our morning devotions.

It is also about obeying his Word and allowing God to transform us from the inside out.

How does life turn out for this type of person?  David writes:

“He who does these things shall never be moved.” (v.5)

They will never ever be moved!

This type of person is safe and secure through the storms of life.

They enjoy fellowship with God and are strong and stable.

They are forever safe and secure.

They are like the wise man who built his house on the rock.  When the rain and floods came, the house did not fall.

Matthew 7:24-25:

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

Are you close to God?

How would others answer this question about you?

As we see from Psalm 15, the depth of our relationship with God should be reflected by our kindness to others, the control of our tongue and our integrity.

Timothy Keller writes:

If we deceive, vilify, and flatter, if we make empty promises and overblown claims, we cannot expect God’s presence in our lives.  This standard not only challenges us but also reminds us we can go to God only through His grace.  No one but Jesus ever lived with perfect integrity but because He is our Savior, we can go in to God. (Hebrews 4:15,16)

Being close to the Lord is about so much more than our morning devotions.  These are qualities that God will create in us when we are close to Him.  We must apply what we learn in His Word and let God mold and shape our character.

The reward for our obedience and God’s grace – is great!  We get to be close to God Almighty – the Maker of the heavens and the earth!

Keep Walking with the King,

Article posted at:  https://womenlivingwell.org/2018/06/7-character-qualities-of-a-person-who-is-close-to-god/