Four Decisions That Will Make Change Possible

Article by Kevin Carson

What is your goal for change this new year? Ten of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions are: lose weight, exercise more, read more, get organized, save more money or spend less money, learn a new skill or hobby, live life to the fullest, spend more time with family and friends, travel more, and quit smoking. Possibly you have one or more of those, or your goals for 2019 may be much different. For sure, you need at least one or two goals for your walk with God. (For setting goals spiritually, check out thislinkto help you think through it.)

Many people desire change but then do a poor job ever changing. This may be for any number of reasons. In a previous blog where I was helping you think through spiritual goals, I listed four decisions you can make that will make change more possible. In this blog, I will better explain those four decisions to help make change possible for you.

Choose One Thing at a Time

First, choose one thing at a time upon which primarily to work. I’m sure your list may include several key items this year that you would like to change. However, you have limited time and energy. If for instance, things are connected, then that may be fine to choose more than one (i.e., diet plan and exercise). Generally speaking though, you will want to focus on a limited number of things.

Regarding limited time and energy, consider two different kinds of shotgun shells. If you shoot birdshot (i.e., used for clay pigeons), there can be up to 848 lead pellets per ounce. However, if you shoot a slug, there is only one piece of lead. For both, the shell will have the same amount of gun powder. Therefore, you take the same amount of force and spread it over 800 ways or 1 way and which one will do the most damage to the target? Of course it is the one way.

In a similar way, this works for everyday change as well. You only have a limited amount of energy. If you limit your goals to one or a couple at a time, this will help you focus and not become overwhelmed. Therefore, you will need to determine where to start and why. What makes one thing more important than another? Begin with what is most important. As you see change, then begin to focus on the next most important thing.

Get Help

Second, get help. Ask one or two godly friends to help you. These are the people who will help keep your feet to the fire. When you are discouraged, you will need someone to help you keep going. When you have questions, you will need someone to ask. When you hit a slow spot, you will need someone who has been there before or who is willing to go with you there now. As you choose this person(s), recognize how important it is to pick someone who will be faithful to help you and who is wise. In some instances, one such person could be someone who you hire like a trainer.

Determine to meet or at least talk regularly to keep you accountable to your goal. At least once a week is recommended. Although, there may be times when you need someone to help you walk through an issue much more than once per week. You may need daily calls plus a meeting. Any combination of communication options work (i.e., phone, text, face-to-face, social media, etc.).

Make a Plan

Third, make a plan. Often the best intentions go undone because no plan is ever made. Instead, make a plan and begin. What are the logical steps to doing what you want to do? Begin to think through these. Make a list to help you sort out the options. Ask a friend to help you think through this. Without a plan, it is just a good intention. With a plan, it can result in change.

You begin with the first step. The first step to life change is key. Then the next. It takes over step at a time. Without taking the first step, then you are standing. Standing is a sign of intention but not of walking. The goal is to help you walk through life with this new habit that helps you change.

Remember the Gospel

Four, remember – do not forget – the Gospel. God provides you the hope and real possibility to change through Christ. You both have the possibility to change and the power to change in Christ (Phil 3-4). There are two key issues regarding the Gospel that you need to keep in mind as you seek to grow.

You are righteous in Christ: “…not having a righteousness of my own from the law, but one that is through faith in Christ” (Phil 3:9). You are righteous in Christ. What you do does not make you righteous. Rule keeping and rule following does not make you righteous. You are righteous in Christ. Therefore, God accepts you and is with you as you seek to change.

You have resurrection power in Christ: “My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection…” (Phil 3:10). God gives you power in the Spirit to do those things that bring His honor. Regarding contentment, Paul writes, “I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). What is true for contentment is also true for every other good thing that you try. God gives you strength to do it in your heart. Of course this does not reference the ability to physically do things that you can’t – such as go win a basketball game or run a marathon. What it does mean is that God grants you the internal strength to accomplish those things that please and honor Him.

Change Is Possible

Change is possible! This is great news. In a matter of time, you will rejoice that you chose the thing most needing changed, asked a partner to walk with you along your journey, made and implemented a plan, and that the Gospel helped you as you preached it to yourself.

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