Meekness Assessment

Questions adapted from Martha Peace

Are you a meek person?

Am I more likely to think “This makes me angry!” or “What might God be doing in this situation”?  Proverbs 19:11

What would more likely come to mind - “Love is patient.  I can respond in a kind way and give glory to God.”  or “This irritates me!”  1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Which describes how you typically react?  Sighing and withdrawing in anger and frustration or in gentleness trying to help the other person to understand?  Colossians 3:12-13

  1. Do you stop and ask yourself before responding…

    1. Why am I angry?

    2. What reason is there for all this emotion?

    3. Should I be so strongly reacting because of such a sudden provocation?Philippians 2:3-5, 1 Timothy 6:11

  While angry, do you ever reveal secrets, slander, make accusations, use reviling language, call names, or take God’s name in vain?  Titus 3:1-2

Are you more likely to play angry thoughts over and over in your mind or give the other person a blessing by praying for them?  Ephesians 4:31-32

Do you insist on clearing yourself when unjustly accused or do you entrust yourself to the One who judges justly?  1 Peter 2:23

Is it easy for you to acknowledge your error or do you insist on vindicating yourself?  1 Peter 5:5

Will you listen to someone’s reproof of you even if they are your inferiors (such as your child) or do you blame them?  Psalm 37:5-8

Do you struggle with anxiety and anger during or before your menstruation period and allow it to affect your words and actions?  Colossians 3:8-17

Do you think calm thoughts or are you in inner turmoil?   James 3;13

Do you deal gently with others showing patience and compassion or are you hard and unforgiving?    Colossians 3:13, Philippians 4:5

Do you enjoy life and love life or do you dread each day and fret and worry?  Philippians 4:6-7

Are you easily provoked or slow to anger?  Proverbs 31:26

Are your thoughts calm and rational or do you sometimes overreact to circumstances?  Ephesians 5:2, 1 Peter 2:11-12

Do you show compassion to fellow servants or exact payment for sins?  Matthew 18:21-35

Are you hasty with your words or do you take great care to think about how you respond?  Ephesians 4:29-30, James 4:1

Do you use anger, threats, or manipulation to those under your authority or do you give instruction in love?  Psalm 106:32-33

Do you err on the side of mercy when correcting those under your authority or are you harsh?   Psalm 103:8, 14

Do you grumble and complain at your present circumstances that disappoint you or are you grateful to God for what He is doing?  1 Thessalonians 4:11, Phil 4:12

Do you assume that others are intending to criticize or harm you or do you assume the best of others unless proven otherwise?  1 Cor 13:7-8

Are you becoming more aware of times when you are not gentle with others and when you are disputing with God?  1 Cor 10:12

When it is necessary to reprove another person, are you likely to lash out impulsively or more likely to gently try to help them to turn from their sin with goodwill, soft words, and objective arguments?  Galatians 6:1

Do you brood and become angry when you are persecuted for your faith or do you rejoice that God counted you worthy to suffer for His sake?   Matthew 5:11-12

Are you envious of sinners or do you place your trust in God?  Psalm 73:21-28

Do you become aggravated or frustrated with God over your circumstances or do you have great joy in serving Him on His terms?  Isaiah 45:9, Proverbs 19:3